The Sum-Up | sunday reset, recipes, peach-picking...

The Sum-Up | sunday reset, recipes, peach-picking...

Song of Harlem, Happy Sunday!

Starting today off with a poem by Jotamario Arbeláez, titled Después de la Guerra or After the War. This poem first came to me in a Spanish Literature class at Amherst.


un día
después de la guerra
si hay guerra
si después de la guerra hay un día
te tomaré en mis brazos
un día después de la guerra
si hay guerra
si después de la guerra hay un día
si después de la guerra tengo brazos
y te haré con amor el amor
un día después de la guerra
si hay guerra
si después de la guerra hay un día
si después de la guerra hay amor
y si hay con qué hacer el amor


a day
after the war
if there is a war
if after the war there is a day
I will hold you in my arms
a day after the war
if there is a war
if after the war there is a day
if after the war I have arms
and I will make to you with love
a day after the war
if there is a war
if after the war there is a day
if after the war there is love
and if there is what it takes to make love

© Translation: 2006, Nicolás Suescún

For those based in the New York region, a quick request: Are you interested in peach-picking this year? We'll likely go on Sunday, August 11th or Sunday, August 18th. More on that soon - just wanted to get a sense on who may be able to join.

 ☂ Sunday Reset & Check-In

If you can, join us today at 5:00 p.m. online for an opportunity to touchbase, check-in, laugh + connect. You can find the link to join here

 ☂ From the Archive: Joy In The Journey [video]

 ☂ Cool & Yummy Recipes from the Information Superhighway

 ☂ Membership

In creating Leko's Club, we seek to honor the many teachings, verve and determination as set by my mother and master midwife Mama Nonkululeko.

Join us if you can as a member as we continue to connect and gather community and families! All members will receive our signature shea body butter once a month. All of our body butters are made with premium, made to order essential oils.

For those that would like to support please join us as members or gift a membership. You can subscribe here

Members-Only Benefits

  • Get a monthly subscription to our handcrafted, small-batch shea body butter made for you with love and oils of shea, rice bran oil, essential oils and fragrance. You will not run out of this body butter that is perfect for moisturizing the body after shower, shaving or whenever you feel so inclined. 
  • Specially Curated Recipe Packet & Audio Guide 
  • 20% Discount on All Products in Our Store

This is a great value, and we trust that you're able to use the body butter for yourselves, your children and/or your families. 

Nourishing, beautifully scented. You can feel the Love!! - Almah
This is my go to feel better about everything body cream! Soothing the soul and skin 😍 - Jesse

More soon!